modern psalm

inspired by reading the Psalms aloud to myself and my God
I recommend trying it for yourself
I made the recording on a beautiful Kansas morning,
sitting on the porch where I wrote the poem

are you
Lord our God
King of the universe
from whom comes every good thing

from a summer breeze on a humid morning
to the incredible healing of one close to death

from the kind word of a friend
to the barren woman bearing children

from green grass on bare feet
to the bringing in of the fall harvest

Every good thing

Thank the Lord
The One who does all things well
The One who does all good things
Thank Him
for it is due Him
Thank Him
for when you receive the good thing with thanks
it becomes a blessing

Remember the good things He has done
Recount them
Tell them to your children, your friends, your family

For it is in remembering that you will find hope
It is in looking back to the good things He has done
That you will find joy in looking for the good He will do

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