JFA and Me: What’s Next?

the next step of my journey with JFA

Never say never! A year ago I thought there was no way I would move to Wichita to work for Justice For All (JFA), but I’ve been here volunteering full-time for five months. And now the JFA leadership and I have decided that a year-long, paid internship is in my near future! I can’t do this alone! At the end of the letter I will share how you can participate in this exciting next step. But first, I’d like to share six of the lessons God has taught me as He’s brought me to this point.

{click here to continue reading my most recent newsletter}

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They say missing someone isn’t about how long it’s been since you’ve seen them
oh, but it’s been a long time
or the amount of time since you’ve talked
I hung up, what, five minutes ago?
it’s about the moment you find yourself doing something
and wishing they were right by your side

and that moment has come to me so many thousands of times in the past months

so many times I wanted you by my side
as I had countless new experiences and wanted to share them with you
as I met with exciting situations that terrified me but would have invigorated you
as I wanted your help, your support, your enthusiasm, your joy
I missed you

but today I don’t so much want you by my side
as I want to be by your side
you don’t know how I tried to be there…
but I’m here, miles away
missing you

Happy 18th Birthday Moriah!

see you soon…but not soon enough!


and I was terrified

I was in the dark
praying for a sign
something to let me know He hadn’t forgotten

in the night
keeping watch, but not for Him
forgetting everything He promised

Then it came

glory and radiance
surrounding me
unmistakably telling me He had never forgotten

and I was terrified
hid my eyes
forgetting that this was the promise I was waiting for

Then He spoke

He said do not fear
I have good news
and not for you to keep for yourself, I want you to share it

I have a gift for you
here is the sign you prayed for
it may seem mundane at first, but this is the promise you’ve been waiting for

Then I heard

the glory became
even more overwhelming
but this time I opened my eyes, took it all in

as the visible glory faded
I remembered
got up, left the place of fear, and carried the gift to anyone who would receive it

{inspired by this true story}

she walked with God, and God took her

I used to wonder what it would be like to know someone like Enoch

A man
who walked so closely with God
that one day
while they were walking
God just took him Home

There is a woman I know named Lindsey

The other day
she was walking with God
in the beauty of His creation
and while they were walking
God took her home


My memories
of being with Lindsey
involve walking with her
and as she was always walking with God
God always walked with us

I distinctly remember
talking with her of being thankful
for the many gifts we take for granted
as we walked in the mountains of the Sonoran Desert
and I remember being so thankful I could walk at all

She is one of the most peace-filled people I know
Joy-filled too
I wanted to know her secret
and it was simple:
Walk with God
