“Deeply Personal”

photo courtesy of Justice For All

In this, my final Justice For All newsletter update, you will read a very special story from my friend Mariana, hear JFA Executive Director Steve Wagner’s perspective on my internship, and get a glimpse into the exciting project I will be doing in 2016!

{click here to read my most recent newsletter }

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You’re Valuable

photo courtesy of Justice For All

The unborn are valuable human persons, but how can anyone see the value of the unborn until she recognizes her own value? Earlier this month, at Justice For All’s outreach event at the University of Oklahoma, my goal was to share the message in this poem with the students I met (including those pictured here).

{click here to read the poem and see more pictures in my most recent newsletter}

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Walking Away


photo courtesy of Justice For All

Sometimes when I’m surrounded by hundreds of college students at a JFA outreach, it’s too easy to abandon a conversation in search of a “better” one. Take my conversation with Charlie for example. As Charlie walked by the poll table, I invited him to consider our question…

{click here to continue reading my most recent newsletter}

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Can a Crowd Have a Conversation?

photo courtesy of Justice For All

Navigating a one-on-one conversation about a controversial subject can be difficult. Now add nine more people with varying opinions. Is it possible for the conversation to remain productive, or at least civil? At our University of Arizona outreach in February 2015, I watched a one-on-one conversation transform into a conversation with a crowd that lasted three hours….

{click here to continue reading my most recent newsletter}

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From Outrage to Outreach

This summer three of my siblings and my dad visited me in Kansas. Here we are beneath the Keeper of the Plains statue (the site of the story I relate in this month’s newsletter).

In last month’s newsletter I encouraged you to go beyond simply being outraged about abortion and instead reach out to someone who might think that abortion is not wrong. School isn’t in session right now, so JFA focuses more time on preparations for the coming year than on our outreach events on university campuses. I didn’t let that stop me from having conversations about abortion, though. My coworker Eva and I went down to the Arkansas River with a survey about the Planned Parenthood videos to talk with people about abortion. I wrote a poem about one of our encounters…

{click here to continue reading my most recent newsletter}

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