the world in His hands

the world…
it needs You
I am Your ambassador
it’s my calling
my responsibility
to represent You
to the world
I feel the weight
of the task at hand
I want to fulfill
this great calling
that I have been
blessed to carry
but it is too much for me
I kneel in prayer
and sink lower
onto my face
the world!
it needs You!

You whisper
it needs Me
and yes
you are My ambassador
so I will use you
to show the world Myself
but the world
does not need you
I am holding the world
and I am holding you
Let me take the weight
as you fulfill your call
but do not take on
My responsibilities
for I don’t need you
but I do want you
Remember this
that it may not be
a burden to you
but a blessing

One thought on “the world in His hands

  1. Thank you for this, Jo. ❤ I've had talks with God about this… and He always reminds me – He's got it, not me – He can use me, but I need not sink under feeling the weight of total responsibility. Thank you for the reminder. 🙂


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